Working on a Making-of + "JSQ: The Video Zine"

JSQ has always held a soft spot. It is by far the longest zine we've produced but its also the one with the most things cut. the couple months before its release were ones of such productive fervor that we easily could have made something twice as long without much effort. from the beginning of this project, there was always the thought of doing a behind-the-zines zine. and JSQ is the only one that could sustain that kind of endeavor on its own. and it seems like it will.

Also currently in the works is a video zine that tackles similar subject matter to JSQ. ie judaism, madness and transfemininity. It is not an adaptation but there are so many parallels that its difficult to not see them as sisters. The goal is to release it sometime before pesach (mid-april) but its so expansive it might take much longer . truly no one is prepared for this video.

if you made it this far, thanks for reading. you rock ^^

with love,
PNK 🧷🎀


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